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Roc$tedy is 26 years old out of Long Beach, Ca. Born addicted to pain meds, Roc has been fighting for his life since birth. While attempting to keep himself busy with sports in High School, the temptations of an adolescent in an urban environment were too great. From mixing with the wrong crowd and being shot at, to nearly losing his life to an overdose, Roc$tedy is the real survival story, and finding music was his savior. Roc$tedy finds himself the ambassador of Long Beach. Gaining the support of his city and people all around, Roc is focused and prepared to carry the torch for his hometown.
Raven Skye, functions as a community liaison. Ms. Skye was an adjunct professor at Hancock College in Santa Maria where she innovated a mentoring program for Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA; prepares students at risk for careers in science, technology, engineering, and math). Her program was used to guide these youth to formulate goals and learn strategic planning for education and personal growth. She has also been a member of a first responder team for a domestic violence prevention program with People Helping People (PLP) in Santa Ynez and worked as a counselor for Child Abuse and Listening Mediation (CALM) to help new mothers connect with local resources in Santa Barbara County. Ms. Skye holds a bachelor’s degree from UCSB in cultural anthropology and a master’s degree in organizational management from Antioch University.